IR 64 Parboiled Rice

Non Basmati Rice

It is a well-known fact that India is the largest Rice producer and exporter in the world. The non-basmati rice we export is of superior quality and is free from dust, germs and stones. It has a rich taste and fine aroma. Non- basmati rice comes in different sizes, some are long and slender, some are short and thick, some are like beads, and some may be round.


Mango is one of the most famous fruits of India. It is known as “King of fruits”.

Chilli Products

It is a well-known fact that India is the largest chilli producer and exporter in the world and one of the core places of chilli production and export in the country is Guntur that lies in Andhra Pradesh, in the southern belt of India. Dry Red Chillies are sourced from the Farms Directly.

Turmeric fingers and Powder

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is native to Asia and India. The tuberous rhizomes or underground stems of turmeric have been used from antiquity as condiments, a dye and as an aromatic stimulant in several medicines.

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